Monday, February 25, 2013

7 Weeks: Feb 18th - 25th

Well, I'm now at 7 weeks in my jeans.  All I say is I love them.  Every time I put them on it's like wearing a glove.  They fit so well.  Once again, the quickness of fading is surprising me.  It is probably going to be very tempting to wash these at 6 months because of that.  But I will push through because these guys are going to look so sick after a year.  

I'm going to keep this post short because these pictures speak for themselves.  Feel free to leave comments.  I love "geeking" out over this stuff.  Also, I have a few posts coming up in the near future that are going to be nice.  There are a couple of people that have gotten the indigo itch and are beginning their raw denim journey this year and I want you guys to know all about it. 



  1. New reader and I just bought a pair of these same pants yesterday....Looking forward to getting them broken in and to keep up with your blog.

  2. Awesome man!! Once you get going, maybe we can connect and i can get a guest post up from you.

    1. I am into that....Will make me take some photos of the progress in the meantime....Maybe geeky but it would be cool to see the difference between the pairs.

  3. hello. whats your true size? 33tag size = 35" am i right? im planning to buy Weird guy LHT too. but i concern abt the waist size are the waist stretch? what the waist size now? reply my

    thnk you

  4. My waist size is around that 36" mark. I bought the 33 and the size is nice for me to stretch into.
